In today’s episode, MissSnowfox and Momo talk about the last year in fandom, things that happened, and how they feel about the Merlin fandom now. This is the second part of this episode, in which we answer questions from our listeners.
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Merlin RPF
Merlin Holidays
Lao’s comment on Episode 29
Lao’s comment on Episode 12
Markie’s comment on Episode 30
Mentioned Fanworks
We Begin Again [series] by katherynfromphilly
Merlisten theme music composed by side_steppings
News music by Mansardian on
momotastic on AO3 | tumblr | Podfic
misssnowfox on AO3 | tumblr | YouTube | Cosplay
Hi, guys! I started listening to your podcast a few weeks ago when I moved from Dallas to Tampa and had a loooooong drive to get there. I’ve just driven back to Dallas to get more of my stuff and listened to a bunch of your episodes on the way. I just wanted to thank you both so much for helping me get through that massive slog. You always have such interesting discussions, and as other people have mentioned, I often find myself talking back to you while listening.
I’m really glad that you are both willing to discuss the show’s flaws–and the reasons you love it anyway–because as much as I love the show and everything to do with it, there is so much about it that frustrates or even infuriates me. I really love the way that you are both able to break down the reasons why some things simply don’t work in the show. I know a particular epiphany for me was when Rox dissected the show’s build-up of the magic reveal in Season 4 that they never fulfilled. I remember when I first watched that season being convinced that Merlin’s magic was going to be revealed at the end…and then being flabbergasted that it wasn’t, but I’d never understood why I’d been so sure.
Anyway, this episode was another lovely listen, and I really appreciated you addressing this issue of people trying to censor what others are allowed to talk about in fandom. It’s such a big issue across fandoms, and I’m glad I’m not the only one who is frustrated by it. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into this podcast. <3
You’re a pair of amateurs, in series 6 the story would have actually finally gotten going with King Leon’s rule. It’s canon, they even left the signs for it at Pierrefonds, I know you’ve both seen the Cameleon sign.
First of all I’d like to say that you’re both totally awesome for doing this podcast. All the time and effort you put into it! I would burn myself out in the first three months, if not even sooner, if I took away from my weekend recovery time. You keep to schedule no matter what. And you managed to organise a convention in the middle of all of that! Seriously, you have my utmost respect!
My favourite underappreciated Merthur moment is from 3×11 The Sorcerer’s Shadow. Arthur is sulking and watching Merlin sharpening his sword and they’re talking about him having to fight his father the next day. It’s so nicely domestic.
I totally agree with all your choices for the most painful scenes. I wouldn’t call momo’s choice of scenes painful because I reserve painful for stuff like 5×13 or that awful heartbreaking camp fire scene in Disir, but they definitely make me feel very uncomfortable.
I really don’t like when Merlin gets pranked by prospect of no food because seriously, food is no joking matter. They’re lucky Merlin is a forgiving sort. I would not let it go so easily. 😀
And I totally love Bradley as simpleton!Arthur because he obviously had a lot of fun filming that part, but I think that the writers went very out of character for Merlin there.
Freya was the first person who Merlin intentionally revealed his magic to, not Gilli.
I think that Merlin was not queerbaity. It was definitely queer coded, especially as the show progressed, but the writers never said or hinted that Merthur would be canon. I’m not sure BBC would even allow them to make Merthur canon. And they could have chosen a different way to handle the finale, but it’s pretty much a gift to Merthur fandom.
I mean, I lived through the shitstorm of Sterek queerbaiting and subsequent big fuck you to Sterek fandom, and that was shitty and terrible on so many levels. Merlin writers didn’t do that.
And I think that if they had to get rid of the queerbaiting in some way, they would not go the way of making Merthur canon. Instead we’d lose many of the moments that this fandom cherishes. And maybe the fandom wouldn’t even be here now. So, even if it was queerbaiting, we’re definitely benefiting from it.
You don’t need to talk back. Just wanted to add my 2 cents.
Great moments:
I also loved the scene with Merlin shoving all the armor and clothes behind the trunk. Hilarious.
The looking back and forth between Merlin and Arthur in his Father’s son episode is also wonderful. It makes me sigh in happiness.
Most painful scenes:
I agree with Rox with the Gilli scene.
Also the Disir scene when Merlin tells Arthur that magic can never come back to Camelot – made me furious and so very sad.
Great episode!
We Begin Again is my damn canon for what happened at the end of the series!! Love it, and always to hear others bring it up. It’s so well written and well done. It gave so much closure and yes, the sequel is delightful as well!! I have my fingers crossed the author writes a third part, but I’m perfectly pleased with what currently exists in regard to the series.