Episode 16: Ship: Gwen/Morgana [Part 2]

cover art in which Merlin wears a headset with microphone and holds up a finger to his lips as if to tell you to be quiet

Today’s episode is the second part of the Gwen/Morgana ship analysis, hosted by MissSnowfox and Momo and their two guests.

To get in touch with us, send an email, an ask on tumblr, or tweet at us on twitter.

Find the stream or download options for this episode below the cut.

This is part 2 of a two-part episode. The first part can be found here. In that, we took a look at Mor(g)wen in canon. In part 2 we’ll be examining fanon more closely.

We also managed to keep this second part down to just over one hour runtime. You’re welcome again ;).

Unfortunately, due to how we record the podcast, there is some background noise that couldn’t be filtered out during editing.

Download here [Right click, save as]


Maryluis’ #MedievalHusbands artbook
ACBB sign ups
merlinpodfic on tumblr [without a dash, my apologies]


Sindhu on tumblr
Lulu on tumblr
Discord Server Invite
Audiofic Archive
COiNELOT’s panel on sexual dynamics in the Merthur ship
agirlnamedruth’s Mor(g)wen works


[as of 26 Mar 2018,  Archiveofourown.org]

Disclaimer: The works listed below (especially the ones in the Top 5 categories) are Mor(g)wen works by the best estimation of momo, who compiled the stats. Momo checked the summaries, tags, and author’s notes to determine if these fics looked like they actually focused on Mor(g)wen as a pairing, or at least gave the pairing a central role, rather than treat them as background decoration. If any of the listed fics aren’t Mor(g)wen works by the estimate of a Mor(g)wen shipper, we apologise for the error.

Top 5 by Kudos

Top 5 by Comments





Mentioned Fanworks/Recs

Coffeeshop Muffins
Off the Beaten Path by Natala [the Morgana/Lancelot/Gwen OT3 fic that momo mentioned, has some explicit Merthur and no explicit OT3, unfortunately.]
deheerkonijn’s Mor(g)wen art (not entirely safe for work)
Achelseabee’s Mor(g)wen art
Queen Gwen with Knight Morgana
Flatmate Wanted by Netgirl_y2k, podfic by annapods
Flatmate Wanted (The Movie Nights and Vampire Bites Remix) by Thursday_Next
Put Lonesome on the Shelf by helloearthlings
Coffeeshop Romance by sapphic
Crash Into Me by dreamdustmama
oh, where do we begin (the Something About You remix) by growlery
Something About You by pensively
Salacia Neptuni by agirlnamedruth
Two Queens
Mor(g)wen in winter
Chained by agirlnamedruth
These Battle Scars by agirlnamedruth
donne moi ma chance, tu verras by QuietLittleVoices
Coquette by supercalvin
Aphrodite’s Handmaid, Bright as Gold by Alexandria
Morgana&Gwen | she is the sunlight AU edited by MissSnowFox
Morgana&Gwen | You Belong To Me edited by AloraVideos
you’re the only light | morgana/gwen edited by Akarai92
How to Win a Merthur: a case study in 9 parts by anamuan (with podfic by momo)
and like a dream (we vanish) by orphan_account, podfic by teprometo
Shards by glim, podfic by teprometo
Home by sassafrax, podfic by sophinisba

2 thoughts on “Episode 16: Ship: Gwen/Morgana [Part 2]

  1. On whether they ever intended Morgana and Merlin to get together, I believe Colin was told not to be so flirty with Morgana’s character in the episode where they introduced Mordred, “The Beginning of the End”. So it sounded like they never wanted a Merlin/Morgana relationship – which I thought would be an interesting pairing but was not to be.

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