Episode 18: Review 1×07 The Gates of Avalon

cover art in which Merlin wears a headset with microphone and holds up a finger to his lips as if to tell you to be quiet

In today’s episode, MissSnowfox and Momo talk about the seventh episode of BBC’s Merlin, “The Gates of Avalon.”

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Find the stream or download options for this episode below the cut.

Download here [Right click, save as]


Bootm Arthur Fest
Merlin Stills
Camelot Drabble

Resources/Mentioned Fanworks:

Real-Life-Sucks-Ass’ Tag Commentary on Episode 15
Merlisten Episode 15: Remedy to Cure All Ills
Episode 13: Morgana
Episode 1×07 on Merlin Wiki
Episode 16.1 Morgwen (The one where we talk about Morgana not having any female friends of her own station
Three Tasks by Syllic, Podfic by Pennyplainknits


  • First aired 1 Nov 2008
  • 3 female characters (with lines)
    • 2 main cast (Gwen, Morgana)
    • 1 supporting cast (Sophia)
  • 5 male characters (with lines)
    • 4 main cast (Arthur, Merlin, Gaius, Uther)
    • 1 supporting cast (Aulfric)
  • Enemy/Monster of the Week: Aulfric, Sophia, Sidhe
  • Merlin kills 2 people: Aulfric, Sophia

3 thoughts on “Episode 18: Review 1×07 The Gates of Avalon

  1. Just jumping in while listening to this episode to say that Uther does call Merlin by his name. Twice, as far as I can tell. One time, like the two of you said, in 5×03 when he tries to tell Arthur: »Merlin is a..[sorcerer]« and the other time is in The Witchfinder in season 2 (I just watched this episode and coincidentally had to giggle myself because I reaslised Uther called Merlin by his name. So this might be the only time he really does?). Anyway, Aredian accuse Merlin to be a sorcerer and wants the guards to search his rooms. Uther addresses Merlin directly my saying: »Merlin?« and Merlin answers him: »I have nothing to hide from him«. If I find more, I’ll let you know 🙂

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