Episode 65: Review 2×13: The last Dragonlord

cover art in which Merlin wears a headset with microphone and holds up a finger to his lips as if to tell you to be quiet

In today’s episode, MissSnowfox and Xan talk about the last episode of season two: The last Dragonlord. Join us for just under two hours while Rox is a massive fan for this episode and Xan feels meh about life and everything.

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The charities that will benefit are

Southall Black Sisters
UK Black Pride
The Hackney Migrant Centre
The Unity Project

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  • First aired 19 Dec 2009
  • 1 female character (with lines)
    • 1 main cast (Gwen)
  • 8 male characters (with lines)
    • 5 main cast (Arthur, Merlin, Gaius, Uther, Leon)
    • 3 supporting cast (Balinor, 2 men in the tavern who don’t have names)
  • Enemy/Monster of the week: Dragon
  • Balinor is killed by Cenred’s soldiers


Fiona’s comment on Episode 58
2×13 on the Merlin Wiki

Mentioned Fanworks

Where to find the hosts

xancredible on AO3 | tumblr | Podfic | Fanwork resources
misssnowfox on AO3 | tumblr | YouTube | Cosplay

4 thoughts on “Episode 65: Review 2×13: The last Dragonlord

  1. Great episode! I found this podcast a few months ago and have been really enjoying it, I’m also rewatching some of the show (emphasis on some of) and it’s perfect escapism for these bleak times ?

    I absolutely love the Merthur tavern scene in this episode ? And here’s a fun fact: while I was watching that exact scene back when I first got into this show, my dad, who knew nothing about Merlin, walked into the room, looked at the screen for about five seconds and then turned to me and said with some suspicion, “Is this a gay show?” Yes, Dad. Yes it is.

    Thanks guys for all your hard work!

  2. My husband and I randomly started watching BBC Merlin last month, and I love it! We just started season five this week and I’m so sad it’s ending soon, so I went in search of a good podcast! So happy to be here. The last Dragonlord is one of my very favorite episodes so far, and I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about it.

  3. Also, let me know if you ever want the perspective of someone who is actually watching this show for the first time with zero knowledge of how it ends (aside from the Arthurian legends)

  4. This is one of my absolute favorite episodes. Probably this and Eye of the Phoenix are my go-to episodes when I watch Merlin.
    I do remember being upset that I thought they killed off Leon and I asked the showrunners on a radio program about it before season 3 and they said that Leon lived. Mainly because he was very popular, I think.
    Anyway, lovely to hear your thoughts on this episode. 🙂

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