Episode 16: Ship: Gwen/Morgana [Part 1]

cover art in which Merlin wears a headset with microphone and holds up a finger to his lips as if to tell you to be quiet

In today’s episode, MissSnowfox and Momo are joined again by two guests, to talk about the main femslash ship in this fandom, Gwen/Morgana, aka Mor(g)wen.

To get in touch with us, send an email, an ask on tumblr, or tweet at us on twitter.

Find the stream or download options for this episode below the cut. It’s a long one again, which is why this was cut into two parts – again. 🙂

This is part 1 of a two-part episode. First, as always, we’ll take a look at Mor(g)wen in Canon.

For a change, we managed to keep this first part down to roughly 1h and 15min. You’re welcome.

Unfortunately, due to how we record the podcast, there is some background noise that couldn’t be filtered out during editing.

Download here [Right click, save as]


Merlisten Schedule
Maryluis’ artbook teaser
Bottom Arthur fest back in May
COiNELOT ticket sales end Aug 19
COiNELOT Schedule & Panels
Merlin Memory Month back in September


allofuswithwings’ comment on episode 12: Arwen Pt. 2
Archaeologist_D’s comment on episode 12: Arwen Pt. 2
Sindhu on tumblr
Lulu on tumblr
Discord Server Invite
Merlin_Holidays on Livejournal

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