Episode 44: Music of Merlin

cover art in which Merlin wears a headset with microphone and holds up a finger to his lips as if to tell you to be quiet

In today’s episode, MissSnowfox and Momo are joined by two guests to talk about the music of Merlin! Rox and the guests get into the nitty-gritty of music use on the show, and momo occasionally contributes thoughts like “This sounded nice,” which  means you’re all in for a treat :).

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BBC Merlin Source’s poll
ACBB 1st writers check in
Merlin Reverse Big Bang

Resources & Mentioned Fanworks

altocello on AO3
altocello on tumblr
altocello on twitter
altocello on pillowfort
altocello on deviantart
altocello on dreamwidth
altocello on instagram

grabdatgem on tumblr
grabdatgem on twitter

mshutts’ comment on Episode 06

Merlin Season 1 Soundtrack on Spotify
Merlin Season 2 Soundtrack on Spotify
Merlin Season 3 Soundtrack on Spotify
Merlin Season 4 Soundtrack on Spotify


Harmonia Mundi by pen_rabbit
Music for “Harmonia Mundi” by gfeather
Love on a Wire by InkandOwl
Lunchee’s podfic of “Prove all my hypotheses” by minor_hue [text offline]


Merlisten theme music composed by side_steppings
News music by Mansardian on freesound.org
Interview/Talkback quote music: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin MacLeod on freesoung.org
Personal fandom history effect: Magic String Spell by Robinhood76 on freesound.org
Manip for the cover by brolinskeep, Cover by momo

momotastic’s AO3 | tumblr | Podfic | (Pod)Fic updates | multi-fandom fanwork recs
misssnowfox’ AO3 | tumblr | YouTube | Cosplay

2 thoughts on “Episode 44: Music of Merlin

  1. No need to respond
    I got to see Rob Lane talk about his Merlin compositions at the BAFTA thing they did in 2009. It was interesting to see how quickly he had to turn things around.

  2. I know I say this every time, but this may be my favorite! I really enjoyed listening to everyone’s really creative interpretations and analyses of the music. I listened along to the soundtrack whenever a piece was mentioned, which was really emotional.

    I almost broke down (with Rox) when Cello hit the precise spot when describing the best part of the Freya piece. It’s that release of the 13 (yes, I counted) notes on the piano after all of that magical/mystical build up that makes me melt into a puddle every single time. I didn’t realize that it was played again when Merlin reveals his magic to Gilli, but now I know why The Sorcerer’s Shadow is one of my absolute favorite episodes in the whole show. There’s also a similar pattern in The Sword in the Stone (one of my favorites too), where all the build up fades away and a pure piano theme trickles in and gives me shivers.

    As for the Arwen theme, I do really love it, but I love it more when I think of it as a general “love theme” rather than specifically the Arwen theme. I’m not 100% sure, but I feel like the violins play in some intimate scenes between characters that aren’t Arthur/Gwen?

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