Episode 03: COiNELOT 2016 Recap

cover art in which Merlin wears a headset with microphone and holds up a finger to his lips as if to tell you to be quiet

In today’s episode, momo and MissSnowFox are joined by Vicky to talk about the Merthur OTP convention COiNELOT that was held in October 2016. Join us for reminiscing, an interview with Tracionn, and a lot of laughing.

To get in touch with us, send an email, an ask on tumblr, or tweet at us on twitter.

To stream or download the episode, and to find all relevant links, come this way.

Download here [Right click, save as]


Bottom Arthur Fest on tumblr, Nov 13-20
merthurdaily on tumblr looking for admins
merlinfanficquotes on tumblr looking for contributors
COiNELOT Reincarnated schedule draft announced
Write every day on Merlin_Writers on LJ for all fic projects
Write every day on Reelmagic on LJ for ReelMerlin projects
Write every day on Beneathdacastle on LJ for ftf Merlin projects


tracionn on tumblr
COiNELOT on tumblr
Vicky’s cosplay tumblr
Vicky’s tumblr

Recs/mentioned fanworks

Crown of the Summer Court by astolat, Podfic read by FayJay
Fanfic recs on COiNELOT tumblr
Tricksyspirit aka wishfulfeather on tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter
Here and Nowhere Else by freezerjerky
Out of Time by Tari_Sue

4 thoughts on “Episode 03: COiNELOT 2016 Recap

  1. Hi! I had been meaning to listen to the podcast since it came out, but only just now got around to it, I also just listened the 3 episodes in one sitting and so far I love the way you’ve organized yourselves to talk about the week’s topics, news, etc.

    I wanted to share a little about my experience in the fandom and how I’ve perceived it. I actually saw Merlin when it started airing but it is safe to say that it wasn’t probably at the same time as everybody else since my main language is Spanish so I had to wait for the translations to be made and while most people saw it on the BBC, I saw it on Disney XD, which where it was played in Latin America. I was pretty young at the time, maybe 10-11 so I wasn’t really on the Internet nor was I aware of what a “fandom” was in the full meaning of the word. At any rate, I saw the show, liked it and then forgot about it, until about May-June of last year when while I was going through Instagram an account I followed posted a picture about the show and it just brought back so many memories I just started browsing Instagram for more pictures and anything else I could find. I soon found that while people where posting on Instagram, the community is really small and a lot of the accounts, while still there, are actually really inactive/dead. So I decided to go to Tumblr since everything’s that’s relevant in the least is posted there, and I actually thought it was probably just gonna be a repeat of the Instagram fiasco, since the show had been over and done with for almost 4 years and most fandoms are dead within months/weeks that the show/series/whatever is over nowadays, so I was so overwhelmingly and pleasantly surprised when I actually saw people posting fics and gifs, and all this stuff that I just got sucked into it. I was actually knee-deep in another fandom at the time but the moment I entered Tumblr I was sold, and to me it’s just so amazing how the love for the show, even though the influx of new fanwork has diminished (obviously), there’s still so many people that create and contribute and are active even if there’s really no new content after years, because in the other fandom I was in, it was supposed to be over and then in a matter of days/weeks the accounts and fanwork was starting to die and be abandoned so to see that contrast it just really amazed me how this people were not letting this characters fall into oblivion and just putting new things out there for people to find. It was also kind of strange seeing some things that I remembered from the show in English since many things are lost in translation so it kind of was like seeing the show for the first time (not that I really minded watching it again afterwards).

    Now, about COiNELOT, I saw posts about it last year after it had happened it looked like so much fun, I wish I could’ve gone and I wish I could go next year, but unfortunately because of University (which I’m starting next year) and because of the different cycles that we have I don’t think it would be possible for me to actually attend even though I would really love to. I do love browsing through the Tumblr page and seeing how it all went down and just listening to you all talking about it, it just makes me want to someday be able to go to something like it.

    I also don’t know if I’m allowed to do this but one of my favorite fics that I’ve read so far is Tulips Are Better; Dragons Are Best by sweetiejelly with Art by NeigeAuSoleil, it’s a Modern AU based on The Bachelor and I just love it so much.

    Well, thanks for reading all of that and keep up the fantastic work, this is now something I really look forward to listening during the month!

  2. Listening to this episode of Merlisten makes me so excited for Coinelot 2018, omg, because it sounds amazing. It sounds like a wonderful and wholesome experience to cherish forever. But listening to this also makes me nervous because social situations and I don’t go well together often.

    But at least we’ll all have one huge thing in common to break the ice! I imagine that’ll help!

    I’m so glad that tracionn and momo brought Coinelot into being, because a con with less than 50 attendees seems like something I could manage without a social buffer better than a larger con. Though I’m sure Coinelot will continue to grow! I hope it will. That would be wonderful.

    Cards Against Merlin sounds fantastic!

    Omg, that future!Merlin cosplay sounds so fabulous! I started laughing just listening to that. Y’all were so lucky, getting to experience that in person.

    Thanks for reccing Out of Time. I’ve never read that before and it is now on my to-read list.

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