Episode 12: Ship: Gwen/Arthur [Part 1]

In today’s episode, MissSnowfox and Momo are joined by two guests, and an interviewee to talk about the next ship in this fandom, Gwen/Arthur, aka Arwen. To get in touch with us, send an email, an ask on tumblr, or tweet at us on twitter. Find the stream or download options for this episode below the cut. It’s… Continue reading Episode 12: Ship: Gwen/Arthur [Part 1]

Episode 11: Review 1×05 Lancelot

In today’s episode, MissSnowfox and Momo are joined by Veethejay to talk about the fifth episode of BBC’s Merlin, “Lancelot.” Anyone paying close attention will realise that this was not supposed to be the case. However, someone* had some technical dfficulties** and therefore we had to bring this one forward. We hope you enjoy us… Continue reading Episode 11: Review 1×05 Lancelot

Episode 08: Ship: Merlin/Arthur [Part 2]

In today’s episode, MissSnowfox and Momo continue to talk about the biggest ship in fandom, Merlin/Arthur, aka Merthur. To get in touch with us, send an email, an ask on tumblr, or tweet at us on twitter. Find the stream or download options for this episode below the cut. We apologise for the occasionally spotty sound quality –… Continue reading Episode 08: Ship: Merlin/Arthur [Part 2]

Episode 08: Ship: Merlin/Arthur [Part 1]

In today’s episode, MissSnowfox and Momo talk about the biggest ship in fandom, Merlin/Arthur, aka Merthur. To get in touch with us, send an email, an ask on tumblr, or tweet at us on twitter. Find the stream or download options for this episode below the cut. We apologise for the occasionally spotty sound quality – we’re working… Continue reading Episode 08: Ship: Merlin/Arthur [Part 1]

Episode 06: Character Study: Arthur

In today’s episode, momo and MissSnowFox take a closer look at the show’s other main protagonist, Arthur, and how his character developed over the seasons. The legendary Arthur is introduced as well, and of course we also take a look at fanworks. To get in touch with us, send an email, an ask on tumblr, or tweet… Continue reading Episode 06: Character Study: Arthur